Sunday, June 23, 2013 Scam

Hi ,

My name is Tina and I am a mom to a 8 month old beautiful boy. While on my Facebook page 2 weeks ago,  a advertisement come up for baby contest,  for $19.95 you could upload a photo, for another photo it was 19.95.  I put two photos up and chose my favorite,  so I figured 19.95, well they charged my account $19.95 3 time's, and the photo that I chose to be enterned, they enterned the other photo. Wait, it gets better, you then are allowed 6 free gifts, tried to order my gifts and the total came to $84.00.  tried emailing them 6 times, called another 8 time's and the only thing you get is an answering machine.

On it states they are trusted partners with huggies, walt Disneyand parenting magazine.  If these companies knew what was going on, I am pretty sure they would take their logos down.

At the bottom on the page they ha e Peta, Make -a-wish, my daughter was granted a wish. How could they use sickskids

 to make money. MMy StarKid should be ashamed of themselves. Please complain to the companies affiliated with star kid. Moms do not fall for this scam.

A scammed mom


  1. yes! it is a scam!! moms,becareful this website!!! never pay them ! don't let them get you!!!

  2. Yep I fell for it too. I actually had my free gifts go through but they charged me shipping and never sent anything. Very shady! 😔 Plus the winners are still up from three months ago

  3. I would deem it as scam as well. For the simple fact that to submit photos to different castings you must pay 19.99 for EVERY casting you submit a photo to. I could see if youre asked to pay a one time fee to enter a photo of your choice and thats the photo youre able to submit to the castings you want your child to partake it but who has the funds to pay for every casting a photi is submitted to? The free gifts you supposedly receive aren't free at all actually. Just deleted my account today. A total waste of time and funds.

  4. In the modeling and/or acting industry there is NEVER an upfront fee. Never. A true agency will ascess photos of said child or adult, look at the information submitted along with the image(s), and if that person has a "look" or they see actual potential, they make an investment in that person. They only make money after the model has been booked with work, and paid. Then they take their percentage. I modeled lightly in my 20s, and am now a photographer in my 40s. So yes, moms, any and everyone: Watch out for companies like this one. Fake agencies, who ask for money upfront. It's a scam. To add, you are never under any obligation to use their photographers, their stylists etc. In fact, a real agency will want very plain photographs, so that they can see exactly what you look like without a bunch of makeup, glitter and distraction. They need to see your features clearly. This goes for children and adults. After they've decided they see a model in front of them, they will take care of photographers and everything needed to make it happen. Do you think Kate Moss paid for her first test shots? Heck no. She was actually discovered on an airplane when she was 14 years old. They are investing in you, as I mentioned above. They know what to look for, and they know whether or not investing in you will create a return. Most of what we see online is a bunch of garbage. 99.9% of these websites are fraudulent. The minute you see a sentence asking for any kind of fee, walk away. For $19.95 a photo, they'll tell ANYONE they can be a model. Anyone. We all know that this just isn't true. Some people have it, and some people don't. Most don't. Even some very attractive people might not have exactly what it takes to model. Modeling is more than just a pretty face. There needs to be a sort of charisma present. Something that's exuded from within. An 'It Factor' that enhances outer beauty. There are a handful of models who aren't even necessarily all that beautiful in a traditional sense, but they are, instead, interesting to look at and clothing hangs well on their bodies. So they are models. These websites prey on people. Think about how much money these places make. It's shameful. They lie, break hearts, and shatter dreams.

  5. Soooo that's not true. And I wanted too tell you that. Politely of course. My oldest daughter (tho we did it for my youngest) has been booked for 2 engagements and I've never paid one of the 19.95 for her. She hasn't even taped them yet she got booked for marvel and Chicago fire. But I at first did the same thing you did. When I clicked on the casting call it said submit photo I did it and it charged me 19.95 times 4 so I emailed them. They responded within 10 mins they credited all the 19.95 but the first one which I of course was willing too pay. Then I asked the person emailing me back so why do I have to pay 19.95 everytime I wanna submit for a casting call she walked me through the steps.. you and I were doing it wrong I refreshed my screen clicked the casting link and each casting call gives you an individual email address! That's how you submit once they gave me that info I submitted all three of my kids and only paid ONE 19.95 I'm going too try and put the photo on here.

  6. So are you saying Mykidstar is not a scam, I would like to get my Daughter in an Agency she is 13 months. But almost every site the same website comes up? Help clear that up please.


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